Erica van Engel:
“Met Carolien’s hulp stapte ik uit de ratrace”
Carolien heeft de gave je te leren hoe je uit een ratrace stapt. Terug te gaan naar je eigen agenda in plaats van continu geleefd te worden door de agenda van anderen. Door niet alleen te luisteren naar je hoofd, maar vooral ook te voelen met je lijf en hart. Ik was geneigd om met werk door te gaan, omdat ik me nu eenmaal had gecommitteerd. Door de sessies met Carolien heb ik de moed gekregen eerder afscheid te nemen van werk dat niet past als een jas.
Erica van Engel, Interim directeur Vrouwen van Nu
Josephine Lappia:
“Ik voel ik me meer ‘uit één stuk’. Krachtiger ook. En zelfverzekerd”
In 2022 heb ik samengewerkt met transformatiecoach Carolien van den Akker. Na mijn promotie in de toegepaste onderwijskunde heb ik mij verder gespecialiseerd als leidinggevende van onderzoeksteams bij verschillende instellingen voor hoger onderwijs. Om net zo’n goede leidinggevende te worden als ik onderzoeker ben, merkte ik dat er meer balans moest komen tussen wat ik denk, wat ik weet en wat ik voel.
Om beter voeling te krijgen met mijn gevoel ben ik mij bij Carolien gaan richten op het contact maken met mijn binnenwereld. Hoewel ik het best lastig vind echt goed contact te maken met mijn gevoel, lukt het me nu steeds beter. Ik merk dat ik vaker tijdens overleggen alle bronnen van kennis kan aanboren (hoofd, hart en buik) om vervolgens een mooi afgewogen reactie te geven. Over wat me raakt, wat ik voorzie (en daarmee dus waar ik bang voor ben) en hoe we er samen voor kunnen zorgen een stap voorwaarts te zetten. Ik voel ik me meer ‘uit één stuk’. Krachtiger ook. En zelfverzekerd.
Josephine Lappia, Manager beleid a.i. Hogeschool Inholland
Jascha Kamstra:
“Nu zit ik op mijn plek.”
‘Dit ben ik. Hier ben ik van. En dit is mijn route. Toen ik dat eenmaal heel duidelijk had en ik het ook kon voelen, kon ik de stap naar een nieuwe werkgever heel gericht zetten.’ Jascha Kamstra, Manager Strategy and Change bij een grote energiepartij.
Jascha Kamstra deelt hier haar ervaring met 1-op-1 coaching. In de laatste fase van haar drie maanden traject maakte ze de overstap naar een nieuwe managementpositie bij een nieuwe werkgever. Jascha: ‘Deze nieuwe baan geeft mij alles wat we tijdens de coaching met elkaar hebben beschreven. (…) Hier zit ik op mijn plek.’
“Ik heb een stuk meer rust en ruimte in mijn leven”
Achteraf gezien zat ik tegen overspannenheid aan toen ik in gesprek raakte met Carolien. Als ik eerlijk ben, heb ik al tien jaar lang, vanaf de geboorte van mijn kinderen structureel (te) veel op mijn bord. De zorg voor mijn gezin in combinatie met mijn fulltime baan in het ziekenhuis met avond- en weekenddiensten maakte dat ik me emotioneel uitgeput voelde. Toen ik er middenin zat kon ik dat niet echt zien. Ik merkte wel dat mijn sporten en ook mijn sociale activiteiten waren afgeschaald en dat ik een korter lontje had, zowel thuis als op mijn werk.
De 1-op-1 coaching met Carolien heeft mij inzicht gegeven in mijn patronen. Zo geloof ik niet langer elke willekeurige gedachte die er in mij opkomt. Ik kan mijn gedachten nu observeren en kiezen of ik er iets mee doe of niet. Daarnaast heb ik ontdekt hoe noodzakelijk het voor mij is om naast mijn werk ook ruimte te creëren voor mijzelf. Ik heb de koe bij de horens gevat en mijn werkweek teruggeschroefd naar drie dagen per week. Best wel een grote stap. Het heeft een stuk meer rust en ruimte in mijn leven gebracht. Tot slot weet ik nu hoe essentieel het voor mij is om regelmatig de natuur in te gaan en om dieren om me heen te hebben. Ik ga vaker naar buiten en er ligt nu een kat bij ons op de bank. Daar geniet ik van. Al deze kleine stapjes maken dat ik meer aanwezig kan zijn bij mijn kinderen, bij mijn partner en bij mezelf. Ik ben op de goede weg.
Wat mij vooral is opgevallen in het werken met Carolien is hoe goed ze in staat is om bij elk issue het onderliggende thema naar boven te halen. Steeds in samenspraak met mij; ik voelde me gehoord en gezien. Daarnaast is Carolien heel toegankelijk. Toen ik in een bepaalde periode meer behoefte had aan feedback, kon ik haar mailen met mijn vragen. En ze beschikt over een schat aan vakinhoudelijke kennis. Bij bijna elk vraagstuk kon Carolien me verwijzen naar een boek, een instructievideo of een andere bruikbare bron. Heel waardevol.
Maryse, medisch specialist in het ziekenhuis
Anna Bouman:
“Jij hebt me geholpen om woorden te geven aan wat ik te doen heb.”
Luister naar Anna’s ervaring met haar 1-op-1 coaching traject bij Carolien. Zes maanden na afloop van haar traject kan ze de skills die ze heeft geleerd gemakkelijk toepassen.
Anna: ‘Ik sta nu dichter bij mezelf en kan voelen wat goed voor mij is. Zowel in heel kleine als ook grote beslissingen. Het ontdekken van mijn lijf als bron van wijsheid heeft me onwijs geholpen.’
Anna Bouman, Leiderschap -en talentontwikkeling bij ABN AMRO
“Ik voel me een stuk lichter”
Toen ik terug kwam van mijn zomervakantie en weer fris aan de slag wilde gaan, merkte ik dat mijn energie op was. Hoe kon dat? Ik had toch net vakantie gehad? Mijn leidinggevende tipte mij eens naar de website van Carolien te kijken. En dat deed ik. Dit sprak me aan. Ik had al wel eens eerder een coachingstraject gehad, maar had het gevoel dat ik niet tot de kern kwam. Dat was het moment dat ik besloot contact op te nemen.
De coaching heeft mij vooral de realisatie gebracht dat ik soms even moet stilstaan. Dat ik kan beschouwen wat er in mij leeft en dat dat meerdere dingen tegelijk kunnen zijn. Het heeft me gebracht dat ik genuanceerder naar mijzelf kan kijken en ook kan signaleren wanneer ik een bepaalde overtuiging de overhand laat nemen of weg probeer te drukken. Door even te gaan zitten en te focussen kan ik ontdekken wat er allemaal in mij leeft en kan ik weer de regie terugpakken. Dat voelt een stuk lichter
Carolien is een combinatie van hartelijk, doortastend en onderzoekend. Ze weet heel goed op verschillende niveaus in te tunen. Ze kan zowel rationele als praktische zaken adresseren zoals planning en time-management, maar brengt met de begeleide focusing een veel diepere (gevoels)laag in beweging. Beide hebben mij veel gebracht. Wat bijzonder is, want wij hebben de gehele coaching online gedaan.
Hansje, leidinggevende in de publieke sector
Joanne Sprott:
“I now trust that my body knows what is right for me”
Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of working with Joanne Sprott, a freelance editor from Oregon, USA. Joanne wanted to focus more and more on her work as a soul guide, but she found herself easily distracted, sacrificing what she wanted to be and do for the sake of others.
A couple of weeks after our last session, I had a delightful conversation with Joanne and I asked her about the things that had changed for her as a result of the coaching. Joanne: “The first idea I remember that was really important was learning to acknowledge ‘Been there, done that, don’t need that anymore’. I have been able to let go of things that don’t serve my higher purpose.” You can watch her entire story here.
Belinda Werschkull:
“I was determined to find out what I really wanted”
“When my youngest child turned four and went to school, I knew the time had come to look at what it is that I want in life. I have quite a demanding position at the University of Applied Arts and the combination with three young kids had been pretty hard-core. The cost became apparent to me when I received interesting opportunities from my employer, but couldn’t make a decision. That was the moment I understood I needed some help. I called Carolien and decided to embark on a fourteen week journey with her. I was determined to find out what I really wanted.
Quickly, I learned that I had developed the habit of putting other people’s needs before mine, both at home and at work. The question ‘What is good for me?’ was not part of my vocabulary. I worked hard, not seldomly in overdrive, and Carolien helped me change this and develop new and more healthy habits. As a result, I was able to free up time and explore my own wishes and desires.
As soon as I got in touch with my own inner compass again and started to play with it, I discovered that the time is ripe for a major career change. Bagmaking has been a hobby for me for years, but I hadn’t dared to dream of becoming a professional bagmaker. I took the leap, however, and enrolled in a yearlong bagmaking course. I truly love it. And believe it or not, within a couple of months from now, I will wrap up my work at the university and dedicate all my time to Macnas, my own brand. I am very excited about this new route.
I believe that my work with Carolien has been so fruitful because of the clear structure and the support that she delivers. I needed to have the coaching sessions and homework assignments planned into my schedule in order to dedicate my time to my own growth. Without this structure, the work would have easily fallen out of my agenda. Between our sessions, Carolien was available by email for questions and to share insights. This also motivated me and helped me stay on track. Being able to vocalize my deep longings with an experienced coach like Carolien whom I completely trust, has made the biggest difference for me. It has been a joy to work with her.”
Belinda Werschkull, artisan at Macnas
Patty Kluytmans:
“No quick fix but learning new skills that I expect to reap the fruits of for the rest of my life”
“I have always known that I am here to live a mission-driven life. Although I had already read quite a few books on this topic and actively participated in a yearlong coaching program, I still didn’t feel in my bones what is mine to do. I did work on a few initiatives, but got plagued by self-doubt and couldn’t follow through. The whole situation made me feel frustrated, impatient and concerned: I knew a mission-driven life is possible. But how? When? And where do I start?
I opted for the fourteen week From Judgement to Joy coaching program and it has brought me so much! Carolien has taught me to choose for the things that are important to me, even if I am resistant. For example, I felt that being the mother to young children would slow down the creation of a mission-driven life. Carolien helped me get in touch with my authentic desire and I could then feel and admit to myself that spending time with my children, besides my work, makes me truly happy.
The main thing that has changed within me as a result of the one-on-one coaching, is the connection with my intuition. It feels like a seed within me that has been slowly blossoming. I have developed the confidence to follow up on my intuitive hunches. I see myself taking action even if I do not know all the ins and outs beforehand.
I am also grateful that I have found the courage to embrace my mission which is helping others to connect with nature as a regenerative source of power, vitality and healing. Furthermore, I feel better equipped to deal with life’s continuously changing circumstances. I sometimes still get briefly overwhelmed by my emotions, but I have developed the capacity to be with them in a healthy way.
Carolien is an enthusiastic and warm coach. There are no situations that she is worried or fearful about. She practices what she preaches and is well-connected with her own inner compass and intuition. There have been moments during our work together that I didn’t feel good. Especially then, I felt grateful to have Carolien at my side. I could always contact her by email and she would offer me a new perspective or an opening that enabled me to move forward again. I felt seen and supported.
I am very happy that I decided to invest in one-on-one coaching with Carolien. The more time and energy I put into the program, the more I got out of it. No quick fix but learning new skills that I expect to reap the fruits of for the rest of my life.”
Patty Kluytmans, Facilitator and Regenerative Agriculture Specialist in Training
“I am now willing to make choices for a healthy life-work balance”
“For quite some time, I have had a tendency to work hard and to put my self-care needs on the back-burner. One year ago, things got worse, as I sensed that I was approaching the danger zone. The stress was taking its toll on my body and my capacity to relax and to return to normal was waning. I felt frustrated that I still hadn’t made self-care an integral part of my life. I got in touch with Carolien in order to break this pattern.
I loved each of the private coaching sessions with Carolien. I could immediately feel the profound effect the work had on my system and on my overall feeling of well-being. On Carolien’s advice, I planned some free time after each session, allowing myself to fully integrate everything I had touched upon.
It has been eight months since I finished the coaching trajectory and I am still frequently using the focusing techniques that Carolien taught me. I can tune into the wisdom of my body and every time I do so, I am surprised by the direct and rich answers I receive. I have also received practical support during the coaching. With Carolien’s help, I was able to quickly introduce a new structure within my team. The most profound change I have witnessed within myself however, is that I am now willing to make choices that are based on my need for a better work-life balance, instead of what other people expect me to do. This has been a gamechanger.
Carolien combines an analytical mind with a toolbox filled with coaching techniques and body work. My mind loves to understand why I am asked to do certain exercises. A simple ‘You just need to get out of your head’ doesn’t do the job for me. Obviously, Carolien has an in-depth knowledge of what she teaches. Her critical attitude and clear explanations made it possible for me to easily trust her and start to do the work.
I recommend everyone who is looking for a high-quality coach, to contact Carolien and have a short conversation with her. It’s the easiest way to learn whether this might work for you too. Let me end by sharing that I am very happy that I committed to the one-on-one coaching program. It definitely has been worth the investment.”
Alexandra, Manager in the public sector
Martin Roedolf:
“My 1-Day Intensive has helped me to step up and move forward”
“It felt as if I had been going round in circles for quite some time. I didn’t seem to be able to take my business to the next level. During my Breakthrough Day, Carolien quickly came to the point. She showed me what patterns caused me to avoid making real choices. I hadn’t fully presented myself to the outside world yet. Carolien was empathic, without any sort of judgement. I have gained quite a few insights. This 1-Day Intensive has helped me to step up and move forward.”
Martin Roedolf, Concept, Design, Positioning and Experience
Suzanne Ogier:
“All sorts of opportunities have opened up”
Before I started working with Carolien, I knew my qualities and my desires, but I didn’t dare to fully live them. I couldn’t see my added value and I had the tendency to downplay it. It made it hard not to listen to that insecure voice within me that made me feel small and stuck.
Within the one-on-one coaching program From Judgement To Joy, Carolien has taught me to trust myself and my capabilities. I now make a conscious choice to work on projects that really suit me. As a result, I have taken on some new challenging projects in which I can shine. Of course, I still execute other tasks that are part of my job description, but I make sure that they don’t take up more time than needed.
As I dare to say yes to new opportunities, other people have also experienced me within new roles that suit me well. As a consequence, even more opportunities have opened up. I now know that if one road ends, there is no need for frustration or anger. I have found the trust within me, that other options will come. I love the journey that I am on. The end goal has become less and less important.
At first sight, most exercises that Carolien gave me seemed very simple. Their deep transformational effect however, is profound. I have been surprised that longstanding negative patterns have shown themselves redundant within the relatively short period of fourteen weeks! It has provided me with the opening to become the woman I now am.
Suzanne Ogier, Project Leader and Change Manager at TNO
Terri Anderson:
“Carolien, I’ve made a massive change in my life, and I want to thank you for it!”
The last time we chatted was soon after I had my second child, Hannah. Children added so much to our lives, but also added challenges. Often, I felt overwhelmed, not sure which way to turn. There were too many life puzzle pieces to put back in the box… and sometimes, “my” pieces were pushed out of the box completely. I felt like I was at a crossroads, unsure if I should continue in my career, or go in a totally different direction.
Talking with you was a very important beginning to choosing the path I’m on now. You helped me shift my perspective on work and time management. You guided me in exploring ideas and possibilities, without telling me what I should do, or how I should think. This took me many months…actually, it took a few years.
Because I went through this process, I could see my current career in a different light. I had a new appreciation for the skills and knowledge I’d gained over the years. I decided to recommit to my career and build on this experience. Most important, I realized I needed to be my own strongest support, because no one would be a better advocate for me—than me.
So, even though I didn’t change careers, I am now in a new job and a new city. My family moved across the country to support this change for me. Moving has brought challenges and rewards to us all, but our family is closer than ever, supporting each other as we grow in new and interesting directions.
I truly want to THANK YOU!
Terri Anderson, Museum Registrar, Seattle USA
Marieke Bongaards:
“A Present For Life”
“One year before I started my coaching with Carolien, I met her at a coffee bar in town. We spoke briefly, exchanged contact information and I subscribed to her newsletter. I learned already quite a few things from the tools and tips she shared in her articles and films. Carolien’s approach (both live and online) appealed to me: she is open, deeply interested, practical, sensitive though decisive and down to earth. I took a mental note: if ever in the future I might need a coach, I will contact her.
A year later, I wanted to find an answer to some of the questions I had: where do I want to go next professionally? What are my specific qualities? What suits me well and what are my opportunities? As I didn’t want to keep spinning in the same circles anymore, I asked Carolien for help. The very minute I opened myself up for the coaching, I could already sense that things started to shift, as if I finally had set myself in motion again.
Already within the first ten minutes of our first phone conversation, Carolien recognized there were deeper questions underneath my story and she shared this insight with me. Soon I realized that the goals I had set were only the tip of the iceberg and that I had ignored and carefully disregarded a lot of what was happening underneath the surface. I found out how disconnected I felt from my true feelings, using my mind as a hiding place. I was driven by numerous beliefs on how things should be. Deep down I knew all this. It was both confronting and critical when Carolien pointed this out to me, constantly checking with me whether she understood my responses correctly. Carolien helped me to re-establish my inner connection, on a physical and emotional level, enabling me to rediscover my needs, my beliefs and my barriers. The techniques and exercises that she uses to do so are very effective and accessible and I still use them to reflect on what’s going on.
The One Day Intensive is very intense indeed, but that was perfect for me. Carolien hosted the day sensitively, with eye for detail and with humour. Her willingness to be vulnerable herself, creates a safe environment to dive in. I was shaken up and received practical tools to work with whenever I feel triggered. The last conversation with Carolien of this journey, two weeks later, helped sharpen these tools.
Even now -a couple of months later- Carolien’s toolkit helps me to make decisions that are mine. I feel in control again and stay close to my own needs and desires. I can set boundaries more easily and feel comfortable doing so. I feel lighter, happier and know what I want more quickly. I recognize in what situations I can act and I accept the things I can’t change. I identify beliefs that hold me back in my development and I’m being less harsh to myself. I’m more playful and full of energy. All in all achievements that make me a nicer person, both for myself and for my environment. The coaching has been a present for life!”
Marieke Bongaards, Cultuurscout in Rotterdam
Connie van Dam:
“I’ve Regained Touch With My Guts And My Lust For Life”
“Working with Carolien is a feast. Every session allowed me to get in touch with myself more deeply. I felt parts in me that had already been waiting for a long time to be seen. It’s helpful to let them come to the light and to listen to them fully. For me, it has cleared the air. I now communicate more honestly and clearly with the people around me. This deeply felt bodily experience could only emerge because of Carolien being totally present: her unconditional support, clear seeing and feeling means that no part remains unseen or left alone. Every time I left the building after a session, my outside world was different too. I have a renewed sense of direction and focus and I am open for hunches and inspiration. To put it differently: I’ve regained touch with my guts and with my lust for life! Thank you so much Carolien!”
Connie van Dam, Yoga teacher / voicework / massage
Marieke Megens:
“I’m really glad I have given myself the opportunity to discover my own way of being in this world”
“I contacted Carolien because I didn’t feel as passionate about my work as a consultant as I used to do. I had gone through a divorce with all the emotional upheaval that comes with it. As a result I felt unstable, wondering whether I should change jobs. Actually, I doubted most of the choices I made. Is this the right thing to do right now? Or not? I just didn’t know.
I invested in a 1-on-1 coaching program with Carolien. With hindsight, I see that one year after my divorce I was feeling more stressed out than I realized. The coaching has had a huge impact on me. I feel calmer, more at ease and most importantly I have reclaimed my self-confidence. Where I used to not completely trust my own judgement (colleague X has probably given this more thought than I have, so let me follow their approach), I now dare to make a stand for my own ideas and choices.
As a result I feel both more vulnerable and stronger. I tell people what I think and feel as I don’t have to avoid conflict anymore. I even feel confident when I train a group of professionals, something I had firmly refused to do for quite some time. Last but not least, I’ve taken up massage training, something I am fully enjoying.
Before I approached Carolien, I had read some of her articles and newsletters. But it was only after I had asked around for referrals for a good coach, that I had the nudge to email her. During our phone conversation, I felt I wanted to learn from her.
What I like best about her coaching is that Carolien truly sees people. She is completely present and follows her own intuitive knowing. She has role modeled that for me. It helps me when I do my own trainings. The modules and the homework assignments that come with the coaching provided me with the structure and the tools to start doing things in a different way. For example, finding clarity when I have to make a decision. Yes, I sometimes do have my ups and downs and I am still learning every day. But I’m really glad I have given myself the opportunity to discover my own way of being in this world.”
Marieke Megens, Consultant Radar Advies
Martina Florians:
“Without Carolien’s support, I would have never had the courage to take on my role as Innovation Consultant”
“After 20 years of art projects, exhibitions and different artistic collaborations, I knew I wanted to put my art career to an end. So I ended running commissions, evacuated my studio and got rid of all the artwork that I had accumulated over the years. I felt at ease and relieved. At the same, I had no clue what I wanted to do next.
When I first met with Carolien for one-on-one coaching, I felt ready to go into hibernation. But after week one, I discovered that I didn’t need extra sleep. What I did need was a sense of direction. So I immersed myself into Carolien’s assignments and started to uncover my talent, my core qualities and my mission.
The one-on-one coaching has brought me a deep sense of knowing and confidence in what I am good at: I bring clarification to unclear and complex projects and I see opportunities to change them into something promising. And I know I am at my best at the initial -often quite messy- stages of a project.
At this time, three months after the coaching, I find myself more and more in situations where I want to be. This has everything to do with my newly gained ability to clearly and confidently share what I have to offer when meeting new people. As a result, I have been able to transfer my qualities to other fields. I love my new role as innovation consultant on the different project teams I participate in. And I’ve raised my fees as I recognize my worth. Above all, I know that every step I take is in alignment with what I want. Both professionally and personally.
Although I didn’t know it when I started the one-on-one coaching, it has definitely been worth all the money. Had I not done it, I simply would have accepted feeling so tired and having less energy. Telling myself that life is difficult after all, or other nonsense. I’m positive that without Carolien’s support, I would have never had the courage to take on my new role as Innovation Consultant.
I chose Carolien as my coach as I felt a great connection with her from the very beginning. Carolien doesn’t pretend to have any answers. Instead, she enables you to find your own. To me, this makes all the difference. A year ago, another coach I worked with advised me to become a consultant. Then, I couldn’t adopt this role, because it was his idea, not mine. Now that I’ve coached with Carolien, I feel I truly own my new role. And even, more importantly, I act upon it.”
Martina Florians, Innovation Consultant
Guido Rieger:
“I am having fun again, doing the work that I love doing most”
“Before I started working with Carolien, I felt restless and rushed. At the time, I had just opened my own hair salon. Many things needed my attention, but I couldn’t oversee all the parts and details. So I just kept going, doing a lot of things, mostly by myself. I did have a team that was eager to help me but I didn’t know how to properly lead them.
One day I realized that if I wasn’t going to stop myself, I was going to be stopped. My body would collapse. During the one-on-one coaching, Carolien confronted me with my escape behavior of busyness to the level of burning myself out. Something I didn’t like but had to face. And she gave me the tools to reestablish the dialogue with myself, reconnecting me with my intuition. Thirdly I learned how to communicate clearly with my team members, enabling them to perform their tasks to their best capacity.
Many things have changed since the coaching. First of all, I cut down on my workweek and stopped overscheduling my agenda with client appointments. As a result, I experience more freedom and ease. My energy level has increased. And because of me being more relaxed, the team spirit has improved. Above all I am having fun again, doing the work that I love doing most.
In my eyes, choosing the right coach has everything to do with trust. Carolien emanates primal trust.
Her being non-judgmental and allowing everything to come up as it is, made me feel safe with her. No advising or ‘Do you know what you should do?’. Carolien assists you to find your own truth. In full integrity. Exactly what I was looking for.”
Guido Rieger, owner Guido Rieger Rotterdam
Janneke van Tuijl:
“I feel reconnected to myself again.”
“This is going to be too much. I have to do something, otherwise I will cross the boundaries of what I can handle. When I realized that, I called in the help of Carolien. My schedule was overfull with lots of weekly yogaclasses. At the same time, I was building my own wellness center and finishing off two other companies. Above that, I have a family with young children.
When my dad died, I realized that I might be in trouble. To be honest I hadn’t felt anything for a long time. I wasn’t having fun, never in a good mood. I did everything – a big to-do-list – on an automatic pilot. From the outside people couldn’t tell, but I knew that I had to do something.
The most important thing, that the one-on-one coaching with Carolien has brought me, is that I feel reconnected with myself again. I now sense it when I have to stop, because I allow myself to feel my body’s signals and to recognize them. I can look inside myself, register what is going on and use this to my own advantage.
Scheduling Me-time. Standing still in order to see what I am doing. During the coaching I discovered plenty of responsibilities and projects that I don’t have to keep carrying with me. Less is more. Instead of taking on big projects, I learned how to take small steps. For example, during the first week of coaching, I introduced the family breakfast in my family. It was the start of a series of small changes in creating more structure and peace in our family life. My kids don’t have an overstressed mother anymore. My husband and I have become a team again.
Last but not least, the coaching has helped me to work more effectively. I could handle the inheritance of my father smoothly, while working on building my wellness center. Without the coaching I wouldn’t have been able to get all this work done.
What I find important in a coach is that I work with someone who can level with me and knows how to deal with my power. In the first session with Carolien I felt that Carolien was the right fit. She is easy accessible and has a down to earth approach. She is a good listener and knows when to counterbalance coaches. Above all, I wanted to learn from someone who had walked that path before me. Someone like Carolien. Her life experience is of added value to her coaching.
Would you like to be an example for your children and still fully enjoy your life? Work with Carolien. You won’t regret it.”
Janneke van Tuijl, yogateacher and owner Sammati wellness finca
Marcha van den Hurk:
“I am feeling in charge again.”
“Every time I thought about my future, I saw beautiful things in front of me. That’s where I want to be. I didn’t have a lack of ambition and plans. However, somehow I couldn’t bring myself to make the necessary steps in order to realize those plans. While in my younger years, I had worked extremely hard to build my art practice, during the last couple of years my ambitions had slid off to a second, third or even fourth place. I wanted to change that.
In the one-on-one coaching with Carolien I rediscovered where I wanted to put my focus and energy in. And -almost more important- what to stop doing. I quickly created my first tangible result: a cabinet with doors. The big clean up could start. I had no idea it could be that simple! My first little success gave me the courage and motivation to take action and keep making the necessary steps. After a while I realized that I was doing only projects that I really wanted to do. I felt happy and really proud of the results that I had gained.
Through the coaching, I learned a lot about myself and gained insights in my blockages. What an AHA-experiences! I know what do to now when I come across an obstacle. I have the practical tools and the right mindset to overcome them. Without forcing things. I feel I am in charge again and I’m becoming more and more ambitious.
With Carolien you can feel at ease right away. She has the talent to help people distinguish what is important to them and what is not. She does this by listening deeply. Besides that she is very thorough and vigorous. When I feel lost, she knows how to bring me back on track so that I work on the things that need my attention. With every session I gained clarity on my next steps. I would go home with useful tips and tricks, that I could put in practice immediately.
Have you not been able to work on your own projects for a long time? Do you hear yourself saying over and over again: I will get at that one day? Give yourself the support of coaching with Carolien. It’s more than worth the investment!”
Marcha van den Hurk, artist
Martine Servaes-Loos:
“I have refound my inner compass and my trust that I can make the right decisions.”
“Before I asked Carolien to help me, I was working over hours in order to turn my new business into a success. I did everything the experts tell you to do: I made a business plan, defined my products and services, built a website and a Facebook page, used Twitter, attended many network event and so on. Everyday I had a huge to-do-list, which I ploughed through. But I still had the feeling that I wasn’t doing enough and I continually doubted whether I was on the right track.
Carolien helped me to find my inner compass and to trust that I am capable of making the right decisions and priorities in my business and in my private life. The various exercises that Carolien gave me to learn to listen better to my own needs and to my body, were extremely good. I still do them weekly.
Carolien’s coaching has also taught me to take time for reflection and to check in with myself, whether I am still doing things I find important and contribute to my mission, especially when I am busy and stressed.
Carolien has the gift to make you feel at ease quickly. She doesn’t judge, and is always enthusiastic and honest. She uses her intuition to spot the important issues and focuses on those. After each session I went home feeling lighter and inspired. I highly recommend her as a coach!”
Martine Servaes-Loos, coach and trainer of expats